No-Gnats 3 Litre
No-Gnats 3 Litre
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A house or office full of beautiful plants and potted flowers offers a calming environment; however, all that lovely moist soil is a perfect breeding place for fungus gnats and fungus gnat larvae. The adults lay their eggs in the damp warm soil or peat, soon to complete their life cycle and fill your room with small annoying black gnats, all looking for the next place to lay their eggs.
Get rid of your fungus gnat infestation with NO-GNATS. NO-GNATS offers a simple, 100% natural solution to the eradication of these annoying flies on your houseplants and office plants. By creating a barrier between the soil and the air, NO-GNATS inhibits the ability to lay eggs in the soil and for the fungus gnat larvae to escape, for total fungus gnat control.
It also offers the added benefit of being a pH neutral product that can be used with any household plant variety and its composition increases moisture retention. Choosing NO-GNATS is a sound ecological decision, with no harmful chemicals or pesticides – for natural gnat control.
Benefits of NO-GNATS
Protects plant
Creating a barrier at the base of the plant to stop fungus gnats
Continuous Use
When the product is no longer required, use around other plants or dig into soil.
Any houseplant
Works with all types of house plants and office plants, regardless of size.
Long-term solution
Stops the life cycle of the gnats, so once they are gone, they are gone…forever.
No harmful chemicals or pesticides
Nothing has been added, keeping a natural ph neutral balance.
Water and feed can still drain through the soil to the roots as part of a watering regime.
How to use NO-GNATS
- Step 1: Pour approximately 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch (1.5-2cm) layer of product to fully cover the entire surface of your plant pots/containers.
- Step 2: Gently pat down the product to make as even a surface as possible, pushing it fully to the edge of your pot/container.
- Step 3: Repeat the process for every plant you have in your house. For continued protection, place additional product as required.
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